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Category Archives: mysql

I’ve created a simple mozilla extension search engine. Everytime I submitted a query, it would take forever for my suggestions to pop up. Frustrated at the latency, I looked at my log files to see this:

Processing SearchController#suggest_package (for at 2007-06-27 18:52:32) [GET]
Session ID: 2836272b416b6f5e190f457b4c5644bb
Parameters: {“action”=>”suggest_package”, “package”=>”ray”, “controller”=>”search”}
Package Load (0.163366)   SELECT * FROM packages WHERE (p_name LIKE ‘ray%’) GROUP BY p_name ORDER BY p_name LIMIT 25
Package Columns (0.000900)   SHOW FIELDS FROM packages
Completed in 0.17745 (5 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00013 (0%) | DB: 0.16427 (92%) | 200 OK []
Notice anything interesting? How about the 92% DB load?

Disgusted by the results, I quickly realized that I didn’t index my queried field of 90k tuples so I created an index on that field by typing in the following into the mysql console:

create index name using btree on packages(p_name)

btw (btrees are the craziest things in the world, I got dominated in college trying to write one. I couldn’t get delete to save my life)

After creating the index, I submitted a second query and got:

Processing SearchController#suggest_package (for at 2007-06-27 18:53:35) [GET]
Session ID: 2836272b416b6f5e190f457b4c5644bb
Parameters: {“action”=>”suggest_package”, “package”=>”ray”, “controller”=>”search”}
Package Load (0.002940)   SELECT * FROM packages WHERE (p_name LIKE ‘ray%’) GROUP BY p_name ORDER BY p_name LIMIT 25
Package Columns (0.002396)   SHOW FIELDS FROM packages
Completed in 0.01962 (50 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00009 (0%) | DB: 0.00534 (27%) | 200 OK []
27% ain’t that bad. I can live with 27% considering the fact that its running on a VM and im on a laptop.

Lesson to be learn. USE INDICIES!