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Category Archives: Wireless Fun

I got bored today so I decided to revisit Kismet to crack WEP/WPA keys. There are a million articles out there on the web as to how to accomplish this ‘awesome’ task. One of which I found more informative than the others ( .

I hate having to deal with drivers, which is one reason why I upgraded to Ubuntu 7.10. Whatever Ubuntu did, I love them for it because the wireless worked right out of the box, so to speak. Additionally, installing the necessary tools to crack those wireless keys couldn’t be easier with Ubuntu’s package management system. I simply altered the package ‘source.list’ file to include the universe repository and then type ‘sudo apt-get install kismet’ and ‘sudo apt-get install aircrack’.

Continuing with the wireless key cracking, I needed to find the BSSID of my victim’s AP and so I typed ‘sudo kismet’… But wait, kismet didn’t seem to be reading any packets. Whats going on? Apparently, ‘NetworkManager’ was interfering and as such, I had to disable it by typing ‘sudo killall NetworkManager’.

After cracking the keys and feeling like a big man, I wanted to go back to my original setup to read some more car forums. However, my wireless wasn’t working because I killed the network manager. Simply typing ‘sudo NetworkManger’ to start the application and then ‘sudo modprobe ndiswrapper’ jump started my wireless and off to 🙂